Self Celebration

Movement has always been my happy place. As a child I recorded music videos on VHS tapes to learn the choreography to my favorite songs. In high-school I was in a hip-hop dance group and was captain of the marching band color guard. In college, I became a CrossFit enthusiast and Zumba instructor and as I entered my professional career as an executive assistant for a fortune 50 company, I became a personal trainer. 

Even through all of this, my size fluctuated. I faced constant fat-shaming, not just from others but from myself.

Fast forward to becoming a mom, and life took an unexpected turn. I was laid off from my job, I spiraled into deep depression. Although my son is my greatest gift and my husband is my greatest love and supporter, I lost myself. One night my insomnia caught up to me and I found myself driving on the the wrong side of the road. It was at that point I knew that something had to change. 

Growing up, I was made to believe that being Filipino you don’t believe in therapy, you just got bullied or shamed until you got your shit together. I allowed all the trauma and negative comments from others turn into my inner voice. All of this was wrong and I didn’t want my son to see me like this. 

As a new mom, I had to change and mourn my past self and make way for positivity for me and everyone around me. 
I began planning for the studio. I envisioned a haven intentionally crafted to guide moms through life's transitions. I also realized that the word "mom" wasn't just the general meaning of the word - I saw moms everywhere: in caregivers taking care of elderly family members, adults acting as mentors for adults, even people who care deeply for their pets. As caregivers, we all have put others needs before ourselves - It’s time to make time for us. 

I was born as Tiffany Joy and “ligaya” translates to joy or happiness in Tagalog. My fitness journey restarted not from hate but from happiness and love—for myself. I've learned that self-love isn't a destination; it's a continuous journey toward overall health and wellness. I want to do what I can to care for me so I can be here for my family as long as possible. I want my children to see me and see a strong, resilient woman who embraces her true self so that they may grow up to be strong, resilient and confident in themselves too (no, this is not a baby announcement post).

The Studio Ligaya is meant to be a space for celebrations. I created a space where families can celebrate life's milestones but more importantly, it is a place where women can feel safe to celebrate themselves as they are right now - a sanctuary for physical and mental well-being, where joy is the heartbeat of our community.

As we approach the New Year, don’t wait to begin your fitness resolutions. Come to The Studio Ligaya, to get started. Celebrate and find the fun in fitness, build a community and help spread joy to the world through the women in it.


Ligaya Line Dancing